You can donate to PrEPnu by filling out a donation form on our website. You will be redirected to our payment gateway to arrange the donation via iDeal.

Alternatively, you can also make a bank transfer using our bank details:

Foundation PrEPnu
Account number: NL24INGB0008967626
Reference: Donation to Foundation PrEPnu

Ja, klik op onze homepage rechts bovenin op de button “Zorg Professionals”. Hier vind je de meest recente informatie voor Zorg Professionals.

Yes, Foundation PrEPnu is registered at the Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam under number: 74005197.

The board of Foundation PrEPnu consists of:
Chairperson: Richard Keldoulis
Secretary: Dik-Jan van de Poll
Treasurer: Aldo Schutte
General board member: Jorian van Schagen
For questions to the board members, you can send an email to

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